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Opening an account
In 2022, geopolitical events had a significant impact on the payment systems industry. Visa and Mastercard suspended their operations in Russia, leading Russians to seek alternative options. One such solution was "card tourism", with Kyrgyzstan standing out as a popular destination. As a result, international payment card issuance by local banks in Kyrgyzstan increased by 33.1%.
Why Kyrgyzstan?
Simplicity of design
A residence permit or citizenship is not necessary to obtain a card.
Loyalty to Russians
Kyrgyz banks demonstrate loyalty to Russian customers.
Use abroad
Visa and Mastercard cards issued by Kyrgyz banks are widely accepted in various countries around the world.
Many banks offer cards with free services.
There are two main options for opening a bank account in Kyrgyzstan for Russian citizens
After reviewing the information on the bank's official website, you can visit Kyrgyzstan to personally submit your application with the required documents. The processing of your card may take about 2-3 business days.
You can open an account in Kyrgyzstan through a proxy by using the services of an intermediary and receive a card via mail. However, please note that the number of banks that offer this service is limited, so we recommend checking the current information before making a transaction.
Personal presence
Remote opening
The first step is to select an intermediary service. Our experts will assist you in determining the purpose of establishing an account and selecting the appropriate bank, while providing information on the necessary documentation. After all required documents are gathered, they will establish an account in Kyrgyzstan on your behalf. This process takes approximately 2-3 business days, after which an invoice and card will be issued. The invoice and card will be issued under your name and will be delivered via courier, along with the relevant bank documents. Within one month, you will receive notification regarding the establishment of your account with a Kyrgyz bank.
After successfully opening an account, you may be wondering how to effectively top up your Kyrgyz card. There are a few options available:
The process of remotely activating an international card
Replenishment of the Kyrgyz account
You can use Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, Tinkoff, MTS, and Mir cards to transfer funds to an Elkhart card and then from there to a Visa card. You can also use the Elkhart card to withdraw cash at ATMs in Russia and to make deposits.
Russian plastic cards:
Replenishment of your account can be done through correspondent accounts.
Correspondent accounts:
Using platforms like Binance allows users to exchange their assets.
P2P exchange:
Funds for Visa Platinum and Visa Gold cards can be transferred from a Qiwi wallet.
Electronic wallets:
SWIFT transfers are not currently available through Russian banks and the transfer rate may be lower than usual.
SWIFT transfers:
Do you want to open an account with us, but don't know how to go about it? We can help! Contact Kirgiz-Passport for more information.
We will help you:
Determine which documents are required to obtain Kyrgyz citizenship.
Choose the bank that best meets your needs.
Collect the necessary documents.
Free consultation
Issue an invoice as soon as possible (2-3 business days).
Legally and safely, go through all stages of the process.